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WORLDBUILDING examines the relationship between gaming and time-based media art with a journey through various ways in which artists have interacted with video games and made them into an art form. 2022 marks fifteen years since the opening to the public of the first exhibition space of the JULIA STOSCHEK COLLECTION in Düsseldorf, which was followed by the opening of the Berlin space in 2016.Īs one of the world’s most comprehensive private collections with a focus on time-based art, the JULIA STOSCHEK COLLECTION has organized more than forty exhibitions as well as additional activities and international collaborative projects devoted to the public presentation, conservation, and research of artworks from the 1960s to the present.Ĭurated by Hans Ulrich Obrist to celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of the JULIA STOSCHEK COLLECTION, the group exhibition WORLDBUILDING: Gaming and Art in the Digital Age opens in Düsseldorf this June.

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