Sedition gay bar london

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It’s at the BFI Southbank, a wonderfully designed, LGBT-inclusive space, and with its Thames-side location, a beautiful place to be in the summer.īFI Southbank, Belvedere Road, SE1 8XT. The film will be followed by a live Q&A with director Eisha Marjara. It’s the story of Sid, a Punjabi living in Montreal, and their transition, and how it affects the people around them. One of the most exciting LGBT movies to come out of South Asia this year, Venus is a laugh-out-loud and touching comedy about empowerment and love. No pressure, no schedule, just good times! It’s upstairs at Village, which is slap bang at the end of Old Compton Street, you can’t miss it! Connecting with like-minded people is, after all, one of the main things pride should be about. From £15.Ī chance for bisexual people plus friends and allies to meet up for a casual chat and to connect with like-minded people. Oh and ticket prices include a glass of prosecco or a Peroni, plus pizza obvs.īunga Bunga, 37 Battersea Bridge, SW11 3BA. Watch out, instagays! They’re adding to festivities with some fab cabaret too queer comedy acts Sian Docksey and Russell Arathoon, and London-based singer Paul Middleton. PRIDE AND PIZZA! What’s not to love? This cheesy delight is melting its way into Bunga Bunga in Battersea, and it’s basically going to be really gay and really carby.

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